The Mount Vernon Baptist Church congregation has been worshipping God together for more than eighty years. We have developed in ministry and sent others into the vineyard to share the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our caring for the condition of mankind and the going forth of many of our members into other fields to share Christ has meant continued renewal of our congregation. Yet, we yearn to help others develop a relationship with God through fellowship and training.
Our congregation purchased the building in which we now worship in the 1950’s from the congregation of Bethel AME-Germantown (which relocated in the Germantown area)
We are proud to have occupied this historic edifice, which was built by the congregation of Bethel AME-Germantown in 1860. The populace of this community has been served by these two congregations from this building since it erection. Our membership is anxious about continuing to share the love and blessings of the Lord Jesus. We are blessed by God and so we share what He has given us. Our ultimate aim is to preach, teach and share the news of Jesus Christ that all men might receive Him as Savior and Lord.